Dolly Parton is postponing her U.S. tour for 6 to 8 weeks because of back problems created by her breasts, according to a statement posted Monday on her music Web site. You would think Dolly would be in a wheelchair by now?! Not working 6 to 8 (weeks), Dolly can’t make a living….that was lame. (working 9 to 5 song) “I know I have been breaking my neck and bending over backwards trying to get my new Backwoods Barbie CD and world tour together, but I didn’t mean to hurt myself doing it!,” she said in a statement. “But hey, you try wagging these puppies around a while and see if you don’t have back problems.” “Seriously though, the doctors said I will be good as new in a few weeks, and I can’t wait to get back out there,” Parton said in the statement posted on”See you soon, Dolly.” I wonder if this was a staged PR stunt to sell more tickets when she comes back to the road. This news feed will be published on thousands of sites and in front of millions of people. JUST in case you forgot that Dolly Parton has large breasts, here’s a non news worthy item (like everything here) to remind you again and again. She is a masterful marketer and it is my opinion her back condition is staged or was planted in the news. |